Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Character Sketch - Shackles to start with this guy...

For a while now I've had some thoughts about a character idea that I honestly didn't think would really go anywhere, but had slowly started to develop a little so I figured it was probably time to show him off here.
So, this fellow here is Shackles.

The first sketch was just a random doodle I worked on one night, it was meant to be an quick experiment in facial expressions, but the character reminded me of a another hybrid character that I had in an rp long-long ago (he was a kind of minotaur/wolf), so that got me thinking. With that and looking through skifi's dA gallery, I started getting ideas and some inspiration for the character and I decided to sit down and do some sketching and refine some ideas.

I have a basic idea for a story down for him but nothing really grand. I had the weird idea of the character having crossed into the Fey Realm by accident and he ends up getting caught and played with by some fey creatures who would end up locking the strange shackles on him, so he would have a way to remove them and get the creatures to leave him be.
Basic, but it's an idea.

As for the name...well, I dunno, for some reason I wanted to come up with a character to use that name and it seemed like a good and ironic name for him to have given his situation.

Not sure if I will do much with this guy though, we'll have to see.

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