Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Character Sketches - Dragonborn Bahamut

I really enjoy Dungeons and Dragons fourth edition.
For some reason this version of the role-playing game can cause some people to fly into some kind of psychotic rage, but personally I like the game: it's fun, it's quick (well, quicker than some other games), and with a good dungeon master you can have some really great adventures despite what some people claim.

Oh yeah, they also have dragonborn.

In my opinion, including dragonborn into the race list was a great idea; not only could you play a dragon in 'Dungeons and Dragons', but because they're new you could have all kinds of fun with character development since they can have a rich culture and history.
I am also one of the few that likes the idea of playing the 'non-traditional races'; humans and elves are all well and good, but they're used in -everything-, so seeing something new was a good idea to me.  I have a good list of dragonborn characters in the 3+ years I've been playing the game; both the good and the not-so-good.

So, as some can imagine, I wanted to try and draw some dragonborn.

That idea is not as easy as it sounds; since my style leans more towards the cartoonish rather than realism, getting the dragonborn down can be tricky. However, after a few tries, I think I've gotten a fairly good handle on it.
At one point I thought it was time to have some fun and try drawing my own character Bahamut as a dragonborn, which was...trickier than I had expected. I think I was in a bit of a slump at the time when I did the first sketch back in 2010 and I was trying desperately to get my groove back on, and the sketch...helped a little.

I do like it, there are some good parts to it, but overall there is something about it that bugs me, so I always wanted to come back to the idea and work on it again, and the second sketch is the result.

This one I like a lot better, there are a few things that bug me, but it's not as bad as before, and with any luck I will be able to color it and finish it up, though it may also let me play around a little as well, we'll have to see.

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