Thursday, May 17, 2012

Character Sketches - Good and Evil

Today's posting are of two characters I haven't drawn up in a while, so during my time away I decided to fix that.

First up is a character I'm sure not many people know of or remember: this is Gabriel.
He was meant to be another 'lovechild' kind of character, but his father this time around was my character Orion who had fallen in love with an angel; so Gabriel here was meant to be a kind of dragon angel.
The concept I thought was fun, but he really never got a whole lot of attention and when things got "weird" he kind of disappeared for a while, but now was the time to 'reclaim him' like so many of my other characters.

Gabriel is the son of a dragon and an angel, and at some point he will be the future king to the dragon kingdom of Zenethia after his father, making him one of the more unique rulers.
He's very friendly and very energetic, I can see him as the kind of character that is the eternal optimist and nothing keeps him down for long.

Next up is a character who is kind of the opposite to Gabriel here. This is Tumahab, Bahamut's 'doppelganger' or "Mirror Universe self" if you will.
Tumahab is meant to be the 'evil version' of Bahamut, he's crafty and brutal, unforgiving, manipulative, treacherous and downright nasty.  It's amazing how he can have any followers loyal to him at all, but the thing that makes him interesting is the fact that people do follow him because of his strength and the fact that he actually has a lot of trust in those loyal to him, making him an even greater threat.

It's been a while since I drew Tumahab and I think he was getting demanding to be put down onto paper again.

So there you go, good and evil in one posting. Hopefully the fabric of space-time won't fly apart.

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